In the run up to the launch of The Global Hamlet, the project is running a series of competitions to celebrate this ground breaking experiment. The first is The Global Hamlet's Official Logo Competition! Where the winning entry will earn the artist $200! If you or one of your friends comes up with an idea for the emblem of The Global Hamlet, the World's very first People's Edition of a literary work, then post your entries onto their pages on Facebook and Tumblr for the chance to win $200! Any kind of original, copyright-free image is welcome. The competition closes for entries on January 8th at 12 am. On the same day the finalists will be re-posted across social media and . . .
End of Summer Giveaway!
To mark the end of Summer 2014 I am going to be giving one of my readers the chance to win a copy of E. Lockhart's new novel We Were Liars. To enter simply send your contact details (name, email and country of residence) to with SUMMER GIVEAWAY in the subject field. This competition will be closing on 1st September 2014. . . .
Halloween Horror!
After a full month of horrific tweets and scary stories we are delighted to celebrate Halloween and announce the winners of our Halloween Horror Competition which ran throughout October on Twitter. 1st Place: @Jason_Barlow - "Clouds uncurtain a rancid moon! Awooooooooooooo!" 2nd Place: @djpaterson - "Wanted: Hockey mask, machete and dungarees." 3rd Place: @Staedtler - "Bones into bread . . ? So you can." We had some fantastic submissions and thanks must be given to all who entered! Well done @Jason_Barlow for being the overall winner and a copy of Bram Stoker's Classic Dracula will be winging its way to you! Happy Halloween Everyone, LB x . . .
Trick or Tweet 2012
Here at Literature Bitch we love a good competition to keep your creativity moving and what better time to have a fun Six Word Story Fest than at Halloween! This year we are looking for your spooky Six Word Stories of things that go bump in the night, witches, wizards, ghosts and ghouls. Will it be a trick or treat? Tweet @LiteratureBitch your entries from today up until closing on 30th October. The top three winners will be published on the site on Halloween itself, and first place will also receive a copy of the ultimate vampire novel.... Dracula! We look forward to reading your entries! Lots of Love, LB x . . .
Trick or Tweet
Throughout October Literature Bitch ran the Six Word Story of Halloween Competition to all of our followers. We had some great entries and were hard pressed to pick the best, but after much deliberation the Judges concluded that the three winners are... @Jordana_Hill - There are limbs on my lawn. @morgenwriteruk - Costumed, face painted, Jack devours greedily. @wannahaiku - Her last kiss was his palm. Congratulations to our three wonderful winners! And a big thank you to all that entered, we loved reading your entries. LB x . . .